Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Arrival

Beowulf is my name.  I fear nothing.  And, I'm a retainer from Hygelac"s band.  I am always ready for battle.  Hrothgar has recognized me and approved of my arrival for the task that I must do dealing with Heorot.  When I first entered Heorot, I gave King Hrothgar an account of my heroic exploits and explained how many knew of my incredible strength.  While there, I delcared to fight Grendel.  I feel very much ready to live up to my fame and maintain it.  I won't back down from anything and will go against evil at all costs.  Being the son of Eegtheow, I must live up to my duties.  It is up to me to fight off this evil Grendel coming through Heroet and defeat this monster! 
  Unferth tries to claim that he is as much of a warrior as me in Heorot during the feast.  He mentioned me and Brecca in the open sea and said it was sheer vanity that made me venture out on the main deep.  I explained to him that I was the strongest swimmer of all and how fierce my ocean battles were and I couldn't recall any of Unferth's fights that beared comparison...with no intentions of boasting.  I feel very prideful and I reaffirm my determination to defeat Grendal during the feast.

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