Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The First Battle

Hrothgar left me to keep the Heroet hall safe.  I am feeling confident after the boast that I made while Hrothgar was in the hall.  I decided to renounce my use of weapons and told my attendant to keep my weapons guarded.  My strong statement is that when it comes to fighting I consider myself as dangerous as Grendel any day.  Grendel has no idea of the art of war, of shield, or sword play although he does possess a wild strength.  No weapons, therefore, for either this night. Unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares.  And, may the divine Lord, in his wisdom, grant the glory of victory to whichever side he sees fit.  As the Geats and I await Grendels attack, I am feeling the most outrageous confidence before battle.  I then go to bed.  Grendel tries to attack me while I'm in bed, but I grab him with my mighty hands and the fight begins.  My thanes defended me but no sword could damage this demon.  The kinsmen of mine kept him locked in the hand grip.  The demon knew there was no other stength like mine and a huge wound appeared on his shoulder.  I earned the satisfaction of my boast and have won the battle.  Grendel was driven under the fen banks fatally hurt to his desolate lair and his life came over him.  He who had harrowed the hearts of men with pain and affliction, and had given offence also to God.  Paid, severely for his crimes.  Grendel's bone lappings burst was clear proof of my victory.  And, could be seen in my hands.  His arm and shoulder are in my hands gripped with pride and held over my head.

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